Trevor and the boys were in St Thomas, visiting the grandparents, and we decided to fly out and have lunch with them. So, we packed up a gourmet picnic lunch, including a vase of flowers (my co-pilot rolled her eyes almost non-stop at my definition of the "basics"!) and headed out to the small airport near London.
On the way home, our passenger almost fell asleep in the back, thanks to the lull of the plane and warm sun... until we hit some mild turbulance near Hamilton!
I was surprised at how different cruise attitude was in a 172, and although many things about the flight planning and the flight itself frustrated me, the adventure presented an opportunity for extended time in the plane, and allowed me to actually work on and practise some of the more basic things like straight and level flight, which I haven't really done for so long, since it's been forever since my last lesson.
Just started flying again on Tuesday after several months away from it, and this personal flight gave me good practical experience to supplement my formal lessons!